Wednesday, October 7, 2015

time to be creepy....

after spending yesterday looking like this and being my own creepy....

i needed some r-and-r! guess what i found while playing on the internet wasting time? creepy stuff! better than fat old men in speedo's creepy. yeah. you know what i mean. ok. maybe not that kind of creepy. but halloween creepy! it is that time of year! look at this!

they are called spooky crystal ball candlesticks, and here is the website on how to make it!

i am making these babies!
 i've got some awesome daughters that will be taking these creepy things home to decorate their own homes after our traditional family fall festival! 

(my way of seeing grandkids in their costumes before halloween, having family dinner - this year we bought an electric smoker and will be trying our own version of smoked pork shoulder. wahoo!  and then homemade apple fritters and donuts. of course there will be games and lots of candy, and a reason for the kids to get one more use out of their costumes!(we make their parents hide behind the doors in the bedrooms and the kids "trick-or-treat" to each door!)  brad and i wear our annual pumpkin shirts. that's our costume of choice. it goes well with our levis. . . hey. better than brad in a speedo.)

now the crystal balls are not the best part. while waiting for heat transfer vinyl to cut .... i know! what the heck is that? .... i was watching you-tube to know how to cut the stuff . . . this lady says "graphics fairy" and then shows how to cut vinyl, make a stencil for her own screen printing - which was awesome - and gets the graphics for free from this fairy godmother! what the heck? I totally had to check this out. after laying in bed all day yesterday from a fibro crash i have some serious making up to do! Since energy is limited, it helps if i can do something while i sit on my butt. the graphics fairy godmother is right up my alley! so off i skipped to her website. holy-freakin'-cow! if you love vintage stuff, you need to check it out! this is like pintrest on steroids! and you can follow them on pintrest! winner-winner-chicken-dinner! did i mention that it's FREE???? oh yeah baby!

so here are some of the cool things i found that i personally like....

and i could go on and on, but you get the idea of the things that are there! here is the website to the awesomeness above!

after yesterday, this was just what i needed to help me stay up til 1am  and start that insomnia all over again. no problem. at least i have something to do while i can't sleep! it's time to get the creepy on!

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