Saturday, December 5, 2015

my baby

is all grown up.

and she's a beautiful, happy, giddy woman....and soon to be wife.

my life has been consumed since september with her desire to be married to a certain someone. 

we (the whole family) have been fluttering around her to get everything done in the short time that we get her in utah with us. namely five whole visits on weekends when they can come down between school. it's been a whirlwind of activity. a crazy whirlwind. full of people.

today, i got my baby to myself.

i. finally. got. my. baby. to. myself.

with no noise. only the photographer (who is amazing by the way) was with us. and i got to watch my baby have her bridal pictures taken. 17 days before she becomes aleks forever wife. while sara was looking forward to a bright future, I got to quietly observe the amazing woman my daughter has become. it was an awesome day.

she chose the utah state capitol as the venue for her bridal portraits. with so many people there to celebrate the holidays, it felt like we were able to be in a world that only included us three. . . at least for me.

as we walked in to the capitol, sara told me that when she was little she remembered seeing the brides in different places, and how pretty they were, and how she so wanted to be like them. . . and that she was so excited because today it was finally her turn!

after getting changed, we walked out and met heather bliss, the photographer. as sara was walking to the stairs, there was a small girl there that watched sara, and as sara passed, the young girl replied, "you're so pretty". sigh.

yes sweet little girl, she is. both on the outside, and on the inside. and i am loving watching her. . . . and I am loving watching you watch her.

. . . and to the little girls daddy . . . enjoy your time with your daughter. . . she'll grow up before you can blink and wonder where all those years went. . . and she'll be wearing her own wedding dress with another young girl watching her and dreaming of her day when she can be a bride and have only one person on her mind. . . and it isn't you. . .

. . .and that's exactly the way it should be.